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Multimedia Show - Hologram projection act


About project

3-minute multimedia performance, a contemporary dance, showing interaction of modern choreography with dynamic content on a projection grid.
In this performance, we metaphorically revealed the essence of this TV channel, and its most important mission.

About case

Holographic performance. Created by our team to celebrate of the 25th anniversary of the network of Eastern-European TV channels NOVA TV. The event was held at the Municipal House Smetana Hall in Prague, Czech Republic. An interactive holographic dance was implemented with a holographic screen 14 meters wide and 10 meters high.

Team and members

  • Director / Producer

    Anatoliy Yerokhin
  • Music

    Alexander Chyornyi
  • Graphic design

    Yeroheen Studio
  • Performer/dancer

    Maxim Leonov
  • Choreographer

    Vladimir Mojeyko
  • Client


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