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Kinetic light performance


About project

Interactive performance, uniting balls on kinetic winches, video content and laser tracker interaction. The culmination of the Comfy company party became a unique performance, pointing out the importance of every person in a big company.

About case

The concept of the event was to highlight the value of individual accomplishments, involvement and significance of each employee in achieving global corporate goal.

The image of the mighty and vast ocean, composed of the tiny drops, is the main idea of a performance. Each drop represents a person who is a separate kinetic mechanism. All the beauty and power of the ocean is in the interaction between them. Moving forward and being in constant development the drops are making the ocean the leader in its area.

Team and members

  • Director / Producer

    Anatoliy Yerokhin
  • Graphic design

    Yeroheen Studio
  • Music

    Alexander Chyornyi

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